From a single source
Data centres are the beating heart of digitalisation. However, the growing demand for higher transmission rates, massive amounts of data, as well as the compression of cabling with limited amounts of space is proving to be challenging for data centres.
Also, modern companies in any type of industry can’t afford to have system breakdowns, system disturbances or periods of downtime due to cable problems. We know this. This is why our high quality and highly available cabling solutions are highly versatile – for current and future bandwidths. They offer the highest packing density in the industry, are modularly adaptable and energy efficient. And the most important thing: With tde cabling systems, disturbances and connection failures in the network infrastructure are a thing of the past. For 30 years – and in the future.

Investment security and future proof
No matter whether you are planning a rewiring of your data centre, are expanding an existing data centre, making modifications or you just want to migrate quickly and easily to higher data transmission rates of currently 400G and even more – with tde cabling solutions this isn’t just simple – you can also stay open to every type of data migration.
This is why we have designed our system platforms to be modular and capable of supporting plug-and-play while being able to count on a high fibre count in the rear. Thanks to the special design of our modules, we can integrate all current, but also future connectors into our patch area. For you this means investment security and future proofing to the highest level.

Scalable, modular, future-proof and therefore very sustainable - this is our patented cabling system tML with its three core components module, trunk cable and module carrier.
Sustainable from the beginning
Quality doesn’t just reveal itself in high availability and reliability – it also assures the sustainability of our system platforms. As to high packing density, you not only save space, but also the need to air condition, energy and therefore extra unnecessary costs. Green IT really can be that simple.
Comprehensive expertise
Complex projects require experts. This is why we act as main contractor and like to cover all bases, starting with the planning of the manufacturing and delivery of the components up until the installation of the passive network infrastructure. You will profit from shortcuts as well as reserve capacity when it comes to future expansions and individual solutions.

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